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10 costumes 02 IMG 5527

Halloween on Our Blocks

Published November 04, 2023


3 min read

Halloween is a festive time often eagerly anticipated by youngsters and adults alike with great excitement. Our PPUABA blocks draw large throngs of trick-or-treaters enjoying the decorations and seeking treats.

Halloween 2023
This year, 3 of PPUABA's 4 blocks were closed to vehicles on Halloween night, allowing trick or treat-ers to safely spill into the streets. A brass band played on Underhill Avenue while throngs of costumed kids of all ages celebrated the holiday and enjoyed the treats to be had.

Below, a selection of photos. (photo credit for the first, second, fourth and fifth photos below: Matt Weinstein. You can see a larger collection of Matt's Halloween photos here.)

A brass band entertained trick or treat-ers.
brass band on Underhill

This princess was very excited to choose her treat.
kids and treats

A walking flower vase on Park Place.
woman as flower pot

Some very cute newly-hatched chicks.
newly hatched chicks

Is this where the candy comes from?
girl looking at candy chute

This little one dozed through the celebrations while her Mom rocked the pineapple costume.
Amy and Riya

Halloween 2022
This year, due to the extensive construction on the block of Park Place between Vanderbilt and Underhill Avenues, we cautioned parents about potentially dangerous overcrowding on the narrowed sidewalks on that block. But that didn't stop enthusiastic trick-or-treaters who came to ALL of our PPUABA blocks, and especially to Underhill Avenue for a special Halloween Gathering organized by PHNDC on the fully-closed 2 blocks between Prospect Place and Sterling Place.

Below, the cutest Fire Chief in all of Brooklyn!
01 cutest fire chief in all of Brooklyn

Skeletons lurking in the window!
02 skeletons lurking in window

A huge creepy spider and web!
03 huge creepy spider

Beautiful angels with illuminated wings 04 beautiful angels with illuminated wings

Dee rocking the skeleton earring, the long fingernail and the bat necklace 05 Dee rocking the skeleton earing long fingernail and bat necklace

Underhill Avenue was crowded with trick-or-treaters
06 Underhill Ave full of trick-or-treaters

Bloco from da Block entertained the Underhill Avenue crowd
07 Bloco from da Block on Underhill Ave

Ghoulish decorations in the courtyard
08 ghoulish courtyard decorations

Nice makeup and earring
09 Nice makeup and earring cropped

Pam sporting a stylish hat!
10 Pam with a stylish hat

Sesame Street inspired this family's costumes
11 A Sesame Street family cropped

Tammy and Sarah about to be devoured
12 Tammy and Sarah about to be devoured cropped

Warren, Maria and Indigo as a family of werewolves
13 Warren Maria and Indigo were werewolves

Halloween 2021
After a slightly smaller turnout in 2020, this year the crowds were back and VERY enthusiastic. And PPUABA's residents were again welcoming and creative with decorations. Long tubes or pipes were the COVID-safe candy distribution mechanisms of choice, including one in which a "magician" made candy appear as if by magic! Enjoy the photos below!

Park Place was crowded with trick-or-treaters!
01 - crowds IMG 5522
A spaceship and its resident purple dragon entertained the crowds.
02 - dragon and spaceship IMG 5512
Three long-time Park Place residents gathered to distribute treats.
03 Phyllis Rhoda and Sharon IMG 5514
Scary decorations notwithstanding, this is a friendly and welcoming group of neighbors!
04 Teddy Nicole and friends IMG 5517
A magician's wand and magic words made candy appear for trick-or-treaters!
05 candy appearing by magic IMG 5530 cropped
A UFO was part of the decorations on Underhill Avenue.
06 UFO IMG 5521
Long delivery tubes were back in use this year - socially distant candy delivery!
07 delivery tubes IMG 5520
Another candy delivery tube.
08 more delivery tubes IMG 5519
Clever costumes were abundant.
09 costumes 01 IMG 5511
This Dad was riding a unicorn.
10 costumes 02 IMG 5527

Halloween 2020
As neighbors wanted to celebrate Halloween, but safely remaining socially distant while distributing goodies to trick-or-treaters, COVID-safe long candy delivery tubes were in fashion and widely used this year. See a selection of photos below.
Halloween 02

Halloween 03

Halloween 04

Halloween 05

Halloween 06

Halloween 07

Halloween 08

And this Baby Yoda had enough Halloween excitement for one day
Halloween 09