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Published September 13, 2024


2 min read

If you are a resident of one of the 4 blocks that PPUABA covers (Park Place from Vanderbilt Avenue to Washington Avenue, and Underhill Avenue from Prospect Place to Sterling Place, or 673/675 Vanderbilt Avenue which has significant frontage on Park Place), you're a member of the Park Place - Underhill Avenue Block Association. If you aren't already receiving our emails, please supply your contact information to be added to our membership list.

Joining the PPUABA Membership List

New members, please print and complete the New Member Information Form, and then either scan and email it to, or simply drop it off in the mail box at 302 Park Place.

On the New Member Information form, you can optionally list special interests or skills that you have. It's a way for neighbors with common interests to find each other and make a connection.

To help us all feel more connected to each other, we periodically distribute a member directory only to other PPUABA members for personal, non-commercial use only. If you prefer to have some or all of your contact information kept private, please indicate "no" on the relevant "Include xxx?" box on the New Member Information form.

Making your annual membership contribution

Membership in PPUABA is free to all residents of our blocks. We strongly encourage members who are able to do so to contribute $10 or more per household per calendar year to help fund the association’s activities and to defray expenses. You can make your membership contribution by Venmo, check or cash. Please include a notation with your payment with your name, address and the words "membership contribution".

  • If paying by Venmo, please make your payment to our treasurer, Stacey Weinstein, using the Venmo payee name "@StaceyPWeinstein". If Venmo asks you to verify the last 4 digits of the phone number associated with this account, they are "3787".
  • If paying by cash or check (payable to "Park Place - Underhill Avenue Block Association"), please put your payment and a note with your name, address, phone number and the words 'membership contribution' in an envelope and deliver it to Stacey at 128 Underhill Avenue, ground floor.

If you're making your membership contribution via Venmo, you can scan our QR code below in your Venmo app. If Venmo asks you to verify the last 4 digits of the phone number associated with this account, they are "3787". Venmo QR code - PPUABA Stacey account 2024-09-06

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  • © Park Place – Underhill Avenue Block Association